Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Don't judge me...

Initially, I started this blog because I was bored and wanted to randomly write out my thoughts for the world to see. Right? Isn't that what everyone else does? Well, today, it's my personal RANT page. Brace yourself, this may get ugly.
I'm going to start with my parents. My parents, love them dearly, are the world's biggest pessimists. Honestly, if you really want to feel down on yourself, phone my mom and dad and have a five minute conversation with them. I dare you to do it and not have a drink or take a pill after. And they are as anal as anal can be.
So, as an example, my mom phones me today. I look at the call display, see that it's her, and since I'm in a fairly good mood I answer. We chat for a bit, she's excited because my dad (who is retired) isn't home so she has the place to herself. Believe me, that is a really good reason to be excited. Anyhoo, I have a job interview today at 2:00. It's dowtown, no big deal. Her biggest concern? PARKING. "Where are you going to park? Oh, it's going to be so busy. blahblahblah" I say that I'm going to park in a parking lot. Or, if I'm lucky, on the street at meter parking. So what?? Who the hell cares? I have a JOB INTERVIEW for god sake and you're worried about PARKING?? And it's about 10:00am when I'm talking to her and she says "well, I better let you go get ready since you have to leave soon". Um, last I checked it didn't take me 4 hours to make a 30-minute drive. I had to hang up - I couldn't carry that one on any longer. I'll bet anyone my first EI cheque that she'll call me again before I leave.
I shouldn't complain, my parents are good to me. Really good to me. And I don't have issues with them, really. I'm used to them. I can take it. It could be worse. And if there wasn't anything wrong with them, I wouldn't have them to blame my stupid behavior on. We all need a scapegoat sometimes, right? And free babysitting.....


Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on this yesterday, but I figured it was too early and the wounds were still fresh. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good interview and extremely freaking relived that you found parking okay.

Anonymous said...

This sounds so much like my mother in law. Except that I have met your mother, and she on the other hand, is not Satan.