Monday, May 29, 2006

Pure Madness

Last weekend, for some strange reason, I allowed myself to get invited to a Martini party at my friend Tricia's house. I was supposed to be studying for my mid-term. I somehow got it in my head that I'd still be able to do this(?). Fuck, whatever.
Adam had to work the next day, so we arranged that he'd drop me off at Tricia's house and then I'd cab it back later so that I could sleep in a bit and still be home for Claudia. Incoherent is fine, she's 10, she can handle it. Apparently I can't.
The evening started out slow - for a while, there was just 4 of us. The good bartender Amy made us a melon-type martini - very yummy, went down a little too quickly, don't know how that happened. We chatted, gossipped, music low in the background. Amy made us a second. A little stronger - more like your standard vodka martini. That one was more of a sipper. A couple more ladies arrived. Music started getting louder. We got into the spread in the other room - lots of yummy food (and the strawberry brie from M & M's is to DIE for!). Then we suddenly started gunning. I honestly don't know how it happened. But there was a lot of mixing involved, which probably had a lot to do with my tummy troubles the following day. By this point, the music was blaring (I heard the words "as long as we piss of the bitch next door I'll be happy" somewhere along the way as well). We started grooving. A certain nurse got provoked into calling in sick for her morning shift. 2 cabs arrive and off we go - to the Foggy Dew. Good times.
Kelly goes home some time around 3am. Barely manages to brush her teeth and somehow crawls into bed. Wakes up some time around 10am. Feels like shite. The rest is a blur, but I somehow manage to crawl back into bed around 11:30 and sleep 'til 2pm. Then get up and decide it's time to do some housework and study and feel like shite some more.
Am I bad? Yes. Still have a bit of that headache today. But was it fun? Definitely! Will it be done again? Absolutely.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I seriously need to plan something like that very soon. Don't worry, Kel: I'll give you a month or two to recover first.

Miss Kelly said...

Thanks. Try to have it the evening before a child's birthday party. That one always works good for me.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Good times...

Gingers Mom said...

A martini party??? How fun! I wanna come to the next one!