Monday, May 22, 2006

If You Only Knew

Yesterday we went to the combined birthday party of Munson, Claudia and my big brother Dean. It was at Dean's house, which I'm grateful for. We barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers, played a bit of Bocce, ate cake and enjoyed a few beverages. Good times.
Not to mention all the gifts. It's great - I don't need to shop for the girls until back-to-school shopping begins.
And the previously mentioned cake? Not bad...
it even came with a little necklace.

All I can say now is, thank GOD the month of May is almost over. There were 10 birthdays for friends and family this month and, now that I'm completely broke, we can work towards July and the other 8 or so birthdays we have to look forward to....


Gingers Mom said...

Ooooh An Aquadoodle....those look fun! I want one! I am terrible and when I get an idea of a toy for my kids I can't wait to give it to them. Dan makes me wait unil bdays and such. That's so hard! I'm just a big kid who wants to play with their toys. Happy Bday Munson!

Miss Kelly said...

The Aquadoodle is cool. You can draw aqua train tracks and put the batter-operated Thomas train on it and it actually follows the tracks! Kids toys nowadays are so amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love Strawberry Shortcake. Each year at Christmas my Mom would buy my sister and I an xmas ornament. When we were young the ornament usually reflected something we had been in to for the year. I can't remember how old I was but I still have both my Strawberry Shortcake and Custard ornaments and they go on my tree every year. I have since carried on that tradition with Brenden. He even has "Poe" from the Teletubbies.

I can't wait until Ava's birthday when I can do a Strawberry Shortcake themed cake for her as well. Beats that Dora the Explorer chick! (Nothing against Dora - she's just not as cool as Strawberry Shortcake)

Anonymous said...

I *love* that cake. It looks delicious!

What the hell is an Aquadoodle?

Anonymous said...

Now that I do know, I *love* that story.