Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This is So Rad!

As I sit here and catch up on 3 weeks worth of emails from my friends and family, I come across one of those memory lists. You know the ones - they remind you of how old you are because they list the prices of chocolate bars in 1965 and old hair styles and heartthrobs. This particular one was written for girls that grew up in the 70's and it has inspired me to jot down a few memories of my own from the 80's. Now, I was born in 1977, so much of the early 80's I don't remember just because I was so young. But here's what I do remember:

You Were a Kid in the 80's If You Remember: (and if you don't remember it's because you smoked too much pot in high school)

  • Home-made Halloween costumes like the one's in the above picture. (Halloween in my kindergarten class in 1982)
  • You wore stirrup-pants with your jellybean shoes.
  • You had pink lipstick that came in a Crayola tube shaped like a crayon (I still remember the weird flavour of that stuff!)
  • You wore a huge hair clip with a big fabric bow on it, or a banana clip. (this is where a picture of Kristin would come in real handy because I know I have a pic of her wearing one somewhere.....)
  • You tried to dress like Cindy Lauper or Madonna for Halloween one year but your parents wouldn't let you.
  • You dreamed of having a phone that looked like a duck and quacked when it rang (like on Silver Spoons).
  • The song "You're My Obsession" was always in your head but just the music, not the words.
  • You raced home to watch 3-2-1 Contact or an After School Special because Kirk Cameron was in it.
  • You had a K-Way jacket that you would actually fold up into the little pouch and wear around your waist.
  • Everyone wore neon - especially on the sides of your bicycle shorts.
  • Thriller and Cindy Lauper's "She's So Unusual" were your first albums or (as in my case) cassette tapes.
  • Your mom was your hero because she braved the stampede to buy you your first Cabbage Patch Doll.
  • You used almost an entire can of hair spray to hold up your bangs.
  • Tight stretch jeans.

And as you grew a little older.....

  • You had a bad poodle-perm as a teenager in the 90's (I am NOT including that picture)
  • Guys sported mullets, and they were darn cool.
  • You tight-rolled your jeans and wore them proudly with your Club Monaco or Mondetta sweatshirt.
  • You dreamed of a boyfriend that would have longer hair than you.
  • You danced the running man to C & C Music Factory, Black Box and Bel Biv Devoe.
  • Hammer Pants.
  • Eternity perfume.
  • You wore jeans cut into shorts with black tights underneath. R-E-D H-O-T. Yeah baby.

And a little later....

  • My favorite shoes: my 8-hole Doc Marten steel-toed boots.
  • Mosh-pits.
  • Cutting the bottoms of your jeans so they would fray in the wash.
  • Grunge.
  • You quoted stupid sayings from Wayne's World and ended every sentence with "NOT".

Holy shit, were we losers or what?


Anonymous said...

What wonderful memories.....NOT!!

Gingers Mom said...

There will be serious hell to pay if you ever find those picture. I will scream, go insane and have to be locked up. I am traumatized by my childhood pictures. You are evil.

Miss Kelly said...

I am officially on the move to achieve my lifelong ambition to seriously embarrass the crap out of Kristin. This afternoon, I tear apart my storage looking for those pictures I took of her before she moved to San Diego in grade 7.
PS - Kristin, you'll have 3 kids aged 3 and under - you are already insane! But I love you.....

Gingers Mom said...

There is a big difference between being insane and COMPLETELY inept with contraception. It is the effect of the children on me after they are all here that will actually drive me insane.
Pull out the big guns if you will, Kelly. I have weapons of my own - I've known you over 20 years too.

Bex said...

OMG, jean shorts with black tights underneath. I TOTALLY forgot about that!!

Hey, I wanted to be Madonna for Halloween AND my parents let me! Woo!

Anonymous said...

Well no jellybean shoes for me, but how about stirrup pants with KED runners.

Miss Kelly said...

ahhh yes...keds. I think I wore them until I bought my first pair of Sketchers!

Anonymous said...

My personal favorite was the "lift off" and "wings" hair. You know, the bangs way up high and your sides way out to kingdom come. The worst was when one of your sides collaped. Oh the trauma!!!!! I must admit though, I was a big fan of hammer pants. Let's not forget leg warmers and bum warmers or as my friend Shannon calls them floor dancing sweaters! Good times!