Friday, February 03, 2006

You Are Sworn to Secrecy

I have been tagged once again by Carly, so here you are. Five Guiltly Pleasures (and I'm assuming by guilty pleasure it is something that I love to do that I should be incredibly ashamed of?)

1. Salt. I love salt. There are certain foods that I just can NOT consume without adding salt. I know it's bad for me but I think that in moderation I should be ok. I have very low blood pressure so I'm still in the safety zone. I'm sure I'll die from it some day though, I'm sure of it.

2. Shopping. If I could, I would honestly shop till I drop. I love to buy clothes - for myself, Adam, the kids. I love to buy stuff for the house. Heck, I even ENJOY grocery shopping! And drug stores? LOOOOVE 'em! They should put up little cabins in factory outlet parking lots for people like me. I'd spend entire weekends there.

3. This one is so bad. I'm a people-watcher, which is fine. But I make fun of people ALL THE TIME. It's so bad. I don't do it alone - I usually have an 'unnamed' accomplice. But, as Adam says, there is definitely a nice little spot by the fire reserved just for Hell.

4. Celebrity gossip. My mom buys People magazine all the time and when she's done with them, I read them. Lately, it's more been for Adam and I to fight over who gets to do the crosswords in them (how geeky are we?), but I do like to read. Did you hear what Nicky Hilton said when she saw Mischa Barton at a club the other day? "What is that fat pig doing here?". HAHAHA. I just love it! And why does Katie Holmes smile like a freekin' 6-year-old? Tom Cruise is gonna go way more insane than he already is and she'll end up with a restraining order against him.

5. Reality TV. I shunned it for years. Then I started watching the Amazing Race and loved it. Then I met Adam and he got me to watch the American Idol auditions and thought they were hilarious. Now I watch Survivor, and absolutely LOOOOVED So You Think You Can Dance. Those guys were amazing! I still can't be bothered with the Bachelor and Big Brother and Fear Factor stuff though.

And remember, what happens on Kelly's blog, stays on Kelly's blog.


Anonymous said...

Um....were u & I separated at birth? Oh no, we just got put on opposite ends of the street.
Shopping...hell yeah!!!!!
Celebrity gossip...Katie is being drugged..only e kids are that flippin smiley.
And as for reality tv? So you think you can dance...damn straight I can. U and I should audition.

Gingers Mom said...

I love to mock people too. That is probably why we are friends.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm gonna stop checking your blog every day...2 reasons 1) you tagged me to do something, which I haven't done yet by the way and 2) you've fallen off the face of the earth as far as blogging goes, so not as much fun to check every day! Guess I'll have to get my own life now since I can't read about yours all the time!