Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Latest from the Rumour Mill

Oops, She's Divorced Again...


Ok, I know it's lame, but now where is K-Fed going to get his paycheques? The guy's got 3 kids. And, second-most-important: did she have him sign a pre-nup?

I dunno...maybe she just has the baby blues...


Anonymous said...

I just saw this and my love for Brit has me torn. I'm happy that she's dumping that dead weight, but at the same time, I don't want her to be sad. I know, I'm a loser.

And Kel, he has FOUR kids, two with each babymama. And where will he get his money? From his skyrocketing career as a rapper, duh.

Miss Kelly said...

Maybe she can become a Scientologist and be healed naturally for her sadness.

Gingers Mom said...

Is anyone really shocked here? He is one of the creepiest of the creepy. She isn't much better. Sorry Carly.

Anonymous said...

Well...no prenup..so she will be paying out the ass. Kids, they never learn.

Anonymous said...

I saw an article today talking about all different aspects of their prenup.

Anonymous said...

Hurry up and show off your weekend excursion, girl!

Bex said...

I heard his "album" has sold a grand total of 6800 copies. So I'm guessing he's gonna go for the gold in the divorce.

He is so stupid and untalented and UGLY!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know Bex. Dis.gust.ing. Poor Brit.

And, Amy... where do you get your information??? They totally had a prenup.

Anonymous said...

This is getting so old. To force you to post something new, I tagged you. Visit for details.

Anonymous said...

a Brit fan spotted K working at Target
