Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Have a great night....


Miss Kelly said...

I just realized that the photos don't do the pumpkins that Adam and the kids carved last night any justice. Olivia's is the cat, Evan's the pirate and Claudia's the ghost. I'll take better one's tonight when it's dark out. ~

Anonymous said...

Have a safe and spooky night!!!! Can't wait to see everyones costumes.

Anonymous said...

They look great! And I'm so glad that the freaky goat head or whatever it is isn't the first thing I see when I pull up your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Julie on the weird head issue, although every time I looked at the photo of the kids, as adorable as each and every one of them look, I felt weirdly curious about why Claudia was so contorted. I seriously needed a double take every time to realize it wasn't actually her. That scarecrow was pretty effed up. I don't know about that place...

Hope you guys had fun. And that no calls came in.

Gingers Mom said...

Wow. Cool pumkpins. I leave the carving up to my brother. I am a loser. Hope you had a good night. My kids scored me good candy. I'm munching on Sugar Babies as I type. Mmmm...