Sunday, October 01, 2006

Who Is This Kid?

Munson's bringing sexy back...I have no idea what is with the pose, but I thought I'd share this.
My batteries had died on my camera and I didn't change them for over two weeks. I went to take a couple pictures last night and was shocked to see this picture on my camera. I really don't remember her doing this!

To make up for the un-Munson-like picture above, here is something a little more of the norm for her:

And yes, that is a pumpkin toque.


Gingers Mom said...

I love the toque. For you non Canadian readers, that is a hat. They've got a weird name for everything. LOL. People give me the strangest look when I call it a toque.
She is so pretty. And so grown up. Funny how the can seem like little adults running around one minute and the next you find them picking their nose and wiping it on the couch.

Mz.Elle said...

Hee hee Those are adorable!

When Jig was a baby she used to lie on her side like a swim suit model but yep now she can often be found with something in her nose;p

Miss Kelly said...

At least M decided to pick her nose AFTER she rolled the Crescent Rolls, as you can see in the picture.

Bex said...

I love that touque, it cracks me up!